TONE SA-MGP | TONE Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This stainless steel wall panel sticks firmly to surfaces with powerful magnets and is useful for organizing tools.
  • It can be attached to the surface of a tool case, such as the side or drawer.
  • Items that are organized are less likely to fall apart when moving around in a cabin, etc.
Specifications in detail
Magnet holding force: 44N (4.5kg)
Number of magnets: 8
Maximum load (kg): 4.5
Depth (mm): 155
Height (mm): 4


TONE Việt Nam | TONE Magnetic Tool Panel MW1671069

Thương hiệu: TONE
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Liên hệ
This stainless steel wall panel sticks firmly to surfaces with powerful magnets and is useful for organizing tools. It can be attached to the surface of a tool case, such as the side or drawer. Items that are organized are less likely to fall apart when moving around in a cabin, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This stainless steel wall panel sticks firmly to surfaces with powerful magnets and is useful for organizing tools.
  • It can be attached to the surface of a tool case, such as the side or drawer.
  • Items that are organized are less likely to fall apart when moving around in a cabin, etc.
Specifications in detail
Magnet holding force: 44N (4.5kg)
Number of magnets: 8
Maximum load (kg): 4.5
Depth (mm): 155
Height (mm): 4


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