TONE 2S-13L | TONE Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Perfect for turning nuts with protruding bolts.
  • It is also ideal for nuts in deep places.
  • Once inserted, it is less likely to strip even when torque is applied.
Specifications in detail
Insertion angle (mm): 6.35
Opposite side size (mm): 13
Total length (mm): 51
Opposite side shape: hexagon
Opposite side (mm): 13


TONE Việt Nam | TONE Deep Socket (Hexagonal) 13mm Total Length 51mm MW1224336

Thương hiệu: TONE
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Features: Perfect for turning nuts with protruding bolts.It is also ideal for nuts in deep places.Once inserted, it is less likely to strip even when torque is applied.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Perfect for turning nuts with protruding bolts.
  • It is also ideal for nuts in deep places.
  • Once inserted, it is less likely to strip even when torque is applied.
Specifications in detail
Insertion angle (mm): 6.35
Opposite side size (mm): 13
Total length (mm): 51
Opposite side shape: hexagon
Opposite side (mm): 13


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