WERA 022702 | WERA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Wera's unique surface contact structure, called Hex-Plus, does not damage the inside of the hexagonal screw hole, contributing to a longer screw life.
  • The high torque transmission rate also improves work efficiency.


  • SUS tools are not non-magnetic.
  • The ball part cannot be fully tightened.
Specifications in detail
REACH compliant product
Diagonal dimension (mm): 2.5
Neck dimension (mm): 19
Total length (mm): 112

WERA 022702

WERA Việt Nam | Wera 3950 Stainless Steel Hex Key 2.5X112 Stainless Hex Key MW4216024

Thương hiệu: WERA
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Features: Wera's unique surface contact structure, called Hex-Plus, does not damage the inside of the hexagonal screw hole, contributing to a longer screw life.The high torque transmission rate also improves work efficiency.
Note SUS tools are not non-magnetic.The ball part cannot be fully tightened.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Wera's unique surface contact structure, called Hex-Plus, does not damage the inside of the hexagonal screw hole, contributing to a longer screw life.
  • The high torque transmission rate also improves work efficiency.


  • SUS tools are not non-magnetic.
  • The ball part cannot be fully tightened.
Specifications in detail
REACH compliant product
Diagonal dimension (mm): 2.5
Neck dimension (mm): 19
Total length (mm): 112

WERA 022702

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