NAC 313 | NAC Việt Nam | HTGoods
Bạn cần giúp đỡ? Hãy gọi: 1900 98 68 25 hoặc

Thông tin sản phẩm


  • For tightening bolts and nuts with an impact wrench
  • It is made of highly durable special steel and is reasonably priced.


  • For tightening bolts and nuts with an impact wrench
Specifications in detail
Insertion angle x opposite sides x total length (mm): 9.52 x 13 x 32

NAC 313

NAC Việt Nam | NAC Socket Short Type 6PT Drive Size 9.52 x Diagonal 13mm MW8532151

Thương hiệu: NAC
Còn hàng
Liên hệ


Features: For tightening bolts and nuts with an impact wrenchIt is made of highly durable special steel and is reasonably priced.
Applications: For tightening bolts and nuts with an impact wrench
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • For tightening bolts and nuts with an impact wrench
  • It is made of highly durable special steel and is reasonably priced.


  • For tightening bolts and nuts with an impact wrench
Specifications in detail
Insertion angle x opposite sides x total length (mm): 9.52 x 13 x 32

NAC 313

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