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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It can fasten multiple base materials from one side with one action. Compared to welding, it has the advantage of reducing labor and improving productivity.
  • Compared to welding, it has the advantage of reducing labor and improving productivity.
  • It's a small size that can be used for the work you need without waste.


  • For automotive sheet metal, electrical sheet metal, etc.
  • For assembling electrical equipment (OA equipment, home appliances, communication devices, and switchboards).
  • For installation in homes (sashes, balconies, gates, handrails, siding).
  • For assembling other items (step ladders, ducts, medical equipment, musical instruments, air conditioning equipment, elevators, signs, vending machines).
Specifications in detail
Eco-box included
RoHS compliant
Quantity (pieces): 300
Crimping plate thickness (mm): 9.5-12.7
Rivet length (mm): 15.5
Flange diameter (mm): 6.4
Rivet diameter (mm): 3.2
Pilot hole diameter (mm): 3.3-3.4
Shear strength (N): 2350
Tensile strength (N): 2700


LOBSTER Việt Nam | EBI blind rivets (stainless steel) 4-8 (300 pieces) Eco Box Blind Rivet MW3382621

Thương hiệu: LOBSTER
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Features: It can fasten multiple base materials from one side with one action. Compared to welding, it has the advantage of reducing labor and improving productivity.Compared to welding, it has the advantage of reducing labor and improving productivity.It's a small size that can be used for the work you need without waste.
Applications: For automotive sheet metal, electrical sheet metal, etc.For assembling electrical equipment (OA equipment, home appliances, communication devices, and switchboards).For installation in homes (sashes, balconies, gates, handrails, siding).For assembling other items...
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It can fasten multiple base materials from one side with one action. Compared to welding, it has the advantage of reducing labor and improving productivity.
  • Compared to welding, it has the advantage of reducing labor and improving productivity.
  • It's a small size that can be used for the work you need without waste.


  • For automotive sheet metal, electrical sheet metal, etc.
  • For assembling electrical equipment (OA equipment, home appliances, communication devices, and switchboards).
  • For installation in homes (sashes, balconies, gates, handrails, siding).
  • For assembling other items (step ladders, ducts, medical equipment, musical instruments, air conditioning equipment, elevators, signs, vending machines).
Specifications in detail
Eco-box included
RoHS compliant
Quantity (pieces): 300
Crimping plate thickness (mm): 9.5-12.7
Rivet length (mm): 15.5
Flange diameter (mm): 6.4
Rivet diameter (mm): 3.2
Pilot hole diameter (mm): 3.3-3.4
Shear strength (N): 2350
Tensile strength (N): 2700


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