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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It can be widely used as a switchable magnet holder base that can turn magnetic force on and off.
  • The screw holes can be used to attach fixtures.
  • Despite its compact size, it exerts a strong magnetic force.
  • It generates strong magnetic force on two surfaces: the bottom surface (V-shaped) and the back surface (rail-shaped).
  • Some additional processing is possible.
  • It can be widely used as a switchable magnet holder that can turn magnetic force on and off.
Specifications in detail
Adsorption power (N): 1500
Height (mm): 52
Mounting screw hole dimensions: M8 x 1.25
Adsorption surface: Bottom (reverse concave)/back


KANETEC Việt Nam | KANETEC magnet holder base, adhesive surface: bottom surface (reverse concave) and rear surface, adhesive force 1500N MW1077198

Thương hiệu: KANETEC
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Liên hệ
It can be widely used as a switchable magnet holder base that can turn magnetic force on and off. The screw holes can be used to attach fixtures. Despite its compact size, it exerts a strong magnetic force. It generates strong magnetic force on two surfaces: the bottom surface (V-shaped) and the back surface (rail-shaped). Some additional processing is possible.
It can be widely used as a switchable magnet holder that can turn magnetic force on and off.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It can be widely used as a switchable magnet holder base that can turn magnetic force on and off.
  • The screw holes can be used to attach fixtures.
  • Despite its compact size, it exerts a strong magnetic force.
  • It generates strong magnetic force on two surfaces: the bottom surface (V-shaped) and the back surface (rail-shaped).
  • Some additional processing is possible.
  • It can be widely used as a switchable magnet holder that can turn magnetic force on and off.
Specifications in detail
Adsorption power (N): 1500
Height (mm): 52
Mounting screw hole dimensions: M8 x 1.25
Adsorption surface: Bottom (reverse concave)/back


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