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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The top surface (V surface) and bottom surface can be switched ON/OFF independently.
  • The handle can be either fixed or detached.
  • We also offer special precision finishing.
  • Work can be performed efficiently because the workpiece can be attached, detached, and replaced without changing the holder fixed position.
  • It has a drip-proof and oil-resistant structure.
  • The magnetic force of the top (V) and bottom surfaces can be switched separately.
  • Used as a holder on iron surface plates and machine tool tables.
  • This is a holding device for various processing and measurement of round bars.
Specifications in detail
Adsorption power (N): 392
Height (mm): 105
Usable diameter (φ): 8 to 50
Adsorption surface: Top surface (V surface), back surface (end surface), bottom surface


KANETEC Việt Nam | KANETEC Magnet Block, Double-sided Adhesive V-shaped Holder, Adhesive Force 392N MW3634400

Thương hiệu: KANETEC
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The top surface (V surface) and bottom surface can be switched ON/OFF independently. The handle can be either fixed or detached. We also offer special precision finishing. Work can be performed efficiently because the workpiece can be attached, detached, and replaced without changing the holder fixed position. It has a drip-proof and oil-resistant structure. The magnetic force of the top (V) and bottom surfaces can be switched separately.
Used as a holder on iron surface plates and machine tool tables....
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The top surface (V surface) and bottom surface can be switched ON/OFF independently.
  • The handle can be either fixed or detached.
  • We also offer special precision finishing.
  • Work can be performed efficiently because the workpiece can be attached, detached, and replaced without changing the holder fixed position.
  • It has a drip-proof and oil-resistant structure.
  • The magnetic force of the top (V) and bottom surfaces can be switched separately.
  • Used as a holder on iron surface plates and machine tool tables.
  • This is a holding device for various processing and measurement of round bars.
Specifications in detail
Adsorption power (N): 392
Height (mm): 105
Usable diameter (φ): 8 to 50
Adsorption surface: Top surface (V surface), back surface (end surface), bottom surface


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