- An all-stainless steel screw-in caster with excellent corrosion and water resistance.
- It is ideal for carts and equipment used in environments where rust and corrosion are unacceptable, such as food companies and kitchens.
Specifications in detail
Plate type
All stainless steel
Allowable load (daN): 40
Allowable load (kgf): 40.8
Wheel diameter D (mm): 50
Wheel width (mm): 21
Mounting height H (mm): 65
Mounting seat A (mm): 70
Mounting seat B (mm): 42
Mounting pitch X (mm): 56
Mounting pitch Y (mm): 28
Mounting hole diameter P (mm): 6.5
Type: Free type (with stopper)
Eccentricity (E) (mm): 21
Turning radius (mm): 57
Wheel type: 439G-UR50