DAIKIN MP-03W-20-40 | DAIKIN Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Hydraulic units can be assembled by stacking stack valves on a manifold block.
  • The circuit can be easily modified.
  • This allows for the miniaturization of hydraulic equipment.
  • The maximum pressure is 25MPa.
Specifications in detail
Maximum pressure: 25MPa
Mounting Type: Gasket
Category: Directional control valve
Nominal diameter: 3/8
Product name: AB port pilot check valve

DAIKIN MP-03W-20-40

DAIKIN Việt Nam | Daikin System Stack Valve Nominal Size 3/8 MW3649458

Thương hiệu: DAIKIN
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Hydraulic units can be assembled by stacking stack valves on a manifold block. The circuit can be easily modified. This allows for the miniaturization of hydraulic equipment. The maximum pressure is 25MPa.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Hydraulic units can be assembled by stacking stack valves on a manifold block.
  • The circuit can be easily modified.
  • This allows for the miniaturization of hydraulic equipment.
  • The maximum pressure is 25MPa.
Specifications in detail
Maximum pressure: 25MPa
Mounting Type: Gasket
Category: Directional control valve
Nominal diameter: 3/8
Product name: AB port pilot check valve

DAIKIN MP-03W-20-40

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