3M 5916 | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Prevents glass and body from being damaged by sparks from welding (semi-automatic) and grinders.
  • The adhesive paper makes it easy to mask vertical areas.
  • For automotive welding.
Specifications in detail

3M 5916

3M Việt Nam | 3M Welding Masking Paper 5916 610mm x 45.7m MW1088226

Thương hiệu: 3M
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Prevents glass and body from being damaged by sparks from welding (semi-automatic) and grinders. The adhesive paper makes it easy to mask vertical areas.
For automotive welding.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Prevents glass and body from being damaged by sparks from welding (semi-automatic) and grinders.
  • The adhesive paper makes it easy to mask vertical areas.
  • For automotive welding.
Specifications in detail

3M 5916

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