NPK DIG-9 | NPK Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is lightweight and can be fired horizontally.
  • For excavating soil and small chipping of concrete.
Specifications in detail
Hose inner diameter: φ12.7mm
Air connection port: Rc3/8
Air pressure used: 0.6MPa
Piston diameter (mm): 42.8
Stroke diameter (mm):*
Total length (mm): 478
Number of strokes (bpm): 1500
Air consumption (m3/min): 1.1
Piston stroke (mm): 63.5


NPK Việt Nam | NPK Concrete Breaker Diga 30014 MW7533683

Thương hiệu: NPK
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It is lightweight and can be fired horizontally.
For excavating soil and small chipping of concrete.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is lightweight and can be fired horizontally.
  • For excavating soil and small chipping of concrete.
Specifications in detail
Hose inner diameter: φ12.7mm
Air connection port: Rc3/8
Air pressure used: 0.6MPa
Piston diameter (mm): 42.8
Stroke diameter (mm):*
Total length (mm): 478
Number of strokes (bpm): 1500
Air consumption (m3/min): 1.1
Piston stroke (mm): 63.5


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