Yutaka Make Việt Nam | Yutaka Make Lightweight Flame Retardant Mesh Sheet MW7944012 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Flame retardant labeler certification number: AFE330085
Width (m): 1.8
Length (m): 5.4
Thickness (mm): 0.25
Number of eyelets (pieces): 32
Eyelet pitch (cm): 45
Tensile strength: Length 290N/3cm Width 150N/3cm
Color: Gray

Yutaka Make B-273

Yutaka Make Việt Nam | Yutaka Make Lightweight Flame Retardant Mesh Sheet MW7944012

Thương hiệu: Yutaka Make
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
  • Lightweight and easy to handle.
  • Approximately 50% the weight of conventional products.
  • Prevention of scattering during paint work.
  • Partition.

Yutaka Make B-273

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Flame retardant labeler certification number: AFE330085
Width (m): 1.8
Length (m): 5.4
Thickness (mm): 0.25
Number of eyelets (pieces): 32
Eyelet pitch (cm): 45
Tensile strength: Length 290N/3cm Width 150N/3cm
Color: Gray

Yutaka Make B-273

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