Yutaka Make Việt Nam | Yutaka Make Heat Shielding Sheet for Ceilings, Under Roofs, Walls and Outdoors 0.2tx 1m x 50m MW5829343 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Noncombustible material (certified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Width (m): 1
Length (m): 50
Thickness (mm): 0.2
Color: Silver
Usage temperature Range (℃): Approximately -70 to 90

Yutaka Make B-FGCR

Yutaka Make Việt Nam | Yutaka Make Heat Shielding Sheet for Ceilings, Under Roofs, Walls and Outdoors 0.2tx 1m x 50m MW5829343

Thương hiệu: Yutaka Make
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Liên hệ
  • By installing it under the roof, it blocks up to 97% of the radiant heat that causes heat.
  • The construction area is the indoor ceiling. A wire is stretched under the roof and a heat shield sheet is placed on top of it.
  • If installed under the roof, it can be used semi-permanently.
  • Suppressing the rise in indoor temperature also leads to a reduction in electricity bills.
  • If you find it difficult to perform the installation yourself, please contact us.
  • For heat shielding under roofs, attic spaces, walls, outdoors, etc.

Yutaka Make B-FGCR

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Noncombustible material (certified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Width (m): 1
Length (m): 50
Thickness (mm): 0.2
Color: Silver
Usage temperature Range (℃): Approximately -70 to 90

Yutaka Make B-FGCR

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