Xe nâng tay cao 1 tấn FUTURO - #554496 (Made in Germany) | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Mã đặt hàng Tải trọng nâng Chiều cao nâng Chiều dài càng nâng Khối lượng
  tấn mm mm kg
554496.0100 1 85...715 1170 122

Suitable for lifting, order picking and transporting of loads and pallets. Properties include smooth, even raising and lowering, simple handling, safety and dependability. Specially designed for use on hard and flat surfaces, frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, rugged steel 
tube drawbar, operating lever for the functions: lifting - moving - lowering. Steered wheels and fork rollers in PU, quick lift function; yellow RAL 1023


 Dowload catalog


Xe nâng tay cao 1 tấn FUTURO - #554496

Thương hiệu: FUTURO
Còn hàng
Liên hệ

Specially designed for use on hard and flat surfaces, frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, rugged steel 
tube drawbar, operating lever for the functions: lifting - moving - lowering

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Mã đặt hàng Tải trọng nâng Chiều cao nâng Chiều dài càng nâng Khối lượng
  tấn mm mm kg
554496.0100 1 85...715 1170 122

Suitable for lifting, order picking and transporting of loads and pallets. Properties include smooth, even raising and lowering, simple handling, safety and dependability. Specially designed for use on hard and flat surfaces, frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, rugged steel 
tube drawbar, operating lever for the functions: lifting - moving - lowering. Steered wheels and fork rollers in PU, quick lift function; yellow RAL 1023


 Dowload catalog


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