Xe nâng tay 2 tấn Quicklift FUTURO - #554478 (Made in Germany) | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Mã đặt hàng Tải trọng nâng Chiều cao nâng Chiều dài càng nâng Khối lượng
  tấn mm mm kg
554478.0100 2 85...200 1150 78

Quicklift model for rapid lifting, pump 5 x = maximum lifting height; frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, low-maintenance hydraulic unit, stable steel tube drawbar with counter bearing for pushing; operating lever for the functions lift - move - lower; 
steered wheels in solid rubber, swivelling tandem rollers in polyurethane and positioning rollers with additional metal guide, colour: yellow RAL 1023


 Dowload catalog


Xe nâng tay 2 tấn Quicklift FUTURO - #554478

Thương hiệu: FUTURO
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Xe nâng tay 2 tấn Quicklift FUTURO - #554478 có cơ cấu nâng nhanh, chỉ cần 5 lần giật tay là có thể đạt tới chiều cao nâng tối đa. Quicklift model for rapid lifting, pump 5 x = maximum lifting height; frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, low-maintenance hydraulic unit

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Mã đặt hàng Tải trọng nâng Chiều cao nâng Chiều dài càng nâng Khối lượng
  tấn mm mm kg
554478.0100 2 85...200 1150 78

Quicklift model for rapid lifting, pump 5 x = maximum lifting height; frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, low-maintenance hydraulic unit, stable steel tube drawbar with counter bearing for pushing; operating lever for the functions lift - move - lower; 
steered wheels in solid rubber, swivelling tandem rollers in polyurethane and positioning rollers with additional metal guide, colour: yellow RAL 1023


 Dowload catalog


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