Xe nâng tay 2 tấn FUTURO - #554475 (Made in Germany) | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Mã đặt hàng Tải trọng nâng Chiều cao nâng Chiều dài càng nâng Khối lượng
  tấn mm mm kg
554475.0100 2 85...200 800 71

Especially suitable for confined spaces due to its length; ideal for loading and unloading transport vehicles, with locking brake. Frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, hydraulic hand pump with maintenance-free bearings, rugged steel tube drawbar with counterbearing for pushing. Operating lever for the functions: lifting - moving - lowering. Steered wheels in solid rubber, PU rollers, tandem; yellow RAL 1023


 Dowload catalog


Xe nâng tay 2 tấn FUTURO - #554475

Thương hiệu: FUTURO
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Especially suitable for confined spaces due to its length; ideal for loading and unloading transport vehicles, with locking brake. Frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, hydraulic hand pump with maintenance-free bearings, rugged steel tube drawbar with counterbearing for pushing

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Mã đặt hàng Tải trọng nâng Chiều cao nâng Chiều dài càng nâng Khối lượng
  tấn mm mm kg
554475.0100 2 85...200 800 71

Especially suitable for confined spaces due to its length; ideal for loading and unloading transport vehicles, with locking brake. Frame and forks in deformation-free monocoque construction, hydraulic hand pump with maintenance-free bearings, rugged steel tube drawbar with counterbearing for pushing. Operating lever for the functions: lifting - moving - lowering. Steered wheels in solid rubber, PU rollers, tandem; yellow RAL 1023


 Dowload catalog


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