WTB WTG-3540 | WTB Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Measurement, inflation and exhaust can all be done with this one unit.
Specifications in detail
Abstract: For passenger cars and tractors
Measurement range (kPa): 0 to 350
Minimum scale (kPa): 20
Total length (mm): 650

WTB WTG-3540

WTB Việt Nam | WTB tire gauge MW7893051

Thương hiệu: WTB
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Measurement, inflation and exhaust can all be done with this one unit.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Measurement, inflation and exhaust can all be done with this one unit.
Specifications in detail
Abstract: For passenger cars and tractors
Measurement range (kPa): 0 to 350
Minimum scale (kPa): 20
Total length (mm): 650

WTB WTG-3540

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