WERA 004901 | WERA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The unique holding function allows you to install bolts and nuts without supporting them with your hands.
  • For electrical work
Specifications in detail
IEC60900 standard product
1000V insulation specification
Double insulation layer (red and yellow)
Diameter (mm): 5
Insertion angle (mm): 9.5
Total length (mm): 55
Cutting edge: 5
Type: Hex Plus
Tip dimension (mm): 5.0
Diameter(mm): 5
Cutting edge: 5.0

WERA 004901

WERA Việt Nam | Wera 8740 B VDE Insulated Holding Function Bit Socket SW 5.0 MW1952343

Thương hiệu: WERA
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The unique holding function allows you to install bolts and nuts without supporting them with your hands.
For electrical work
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The unique holding function allows you to install bolts and nuts without supporting them with your hands.
  • For electrical work
Specifications in detail
IEC60900 standard product
1000V insulation specification
Double insulation layer (red and yellow)
Diameter (mm): 5
Insertion angle (mm): 9.5
Total length (mm): 55
Cutting edge: 5
Type: Hex Plus
Tip dimension (mm): 5.0
Diameter(mm): 5
Cutting edge: 5.0

WERA 004901

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