WERA 022730 | WERA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The laser tip at the tip provides excellent grip on screws.
  • The special grip shape makes it easy to hold and fits comfortably.
Specifications in detail
1000V insulation specification
Compliant with European standard IEC60900
Blade tip: (-) 3.5
Shaft length (mm): 100
Total length (mm): 181

WERA 022730

WERA Việt Nam | Wera 3160VDE Stainless Steel Flathead Screwdriver 3.5X100 MW4117085

Thương hiệu: WERA
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The laser tip at the tip provides excellent grip on screws. The special grip shape makes it easy to hold and fits comfortably.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The laser tip at the tip provides excellent grip on screws.
  • The special grip shape makes it easy to hold and fits comfortably.
Specifications in detail
1000V insulation specification
Compliant with European standard IEC60900
Blade tip: (-) 3.5
Shaft length (mm): 100
Total length (mm): 181

WERA 022730

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