VALQUA 20-100805 | VALQUA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is easy to screw in and remove and will not burn out.
  • This is a tape for sealing threaded joints.
  • This is a JIS certified product.


  • Seal threaded joints of metal pipes, plastic pipes, conduit pipes, etc. that handle various fluids.
Specifications in detail
Can be cut by hand
Color: White
Width (mm): 8
Length (m): 5
Thickness (mm): 0.1

VALQUA 20-100805

VALQUA Việt Nam | VALQUA Tape Seal 0.1mm x 8mm x 5m (10 rolls) Tape Seal(R) MW7838336

Thương hiệu: VALQUA
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Liên hệ
Features: It is easy to screw in and remove and will not burn out.This is a tape for sealing threaded joints.This is a JIS certified product.
Applications: Seal threaded joints of metal pipes, plastic pipes, conduit pipes, etc. that handle various fluids.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is easy to screw in and remove and will not burn out.
  • This is a tape for sealing threaded joints.
  • This is a JIS certified product.


  • Seal threaded joints of metal pipes, plastic pipes, conduit pipes, etc. that handle various fluids.
Specifications in detail
Can be cut by hand
Color: White
Width (mm): 8
Length (m): 5
Thickness (mm): 0.1

VALQUA 20-100805

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