TSUBOSAN HI00813 | TSUBOSAN Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a single-tooth file with a cutting edge cut in only one direction.
  • It produces a clean finished surface and is suitable for use on materials that tend to clog.
  • For finishing and deburring light metals such as copper, aluminum, and plastic products.
Specifications in detail
File type: Single cut (S-cut)
Type: 8-piece set, fine
Total length (mm): 200
Blade length (mm): 100
Blade width (mm): 9
Blade thickness (mm): 3
Shape: Flat


TSUBOSAN Việt Nam | Tsubosan Single File Set of 8 Flat Fine Grit MW8528101

Thương hiệu: TSUBOSAN
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This is a single-tooth file with a cutting edge cut in only one direction. It produces a clean finished surface and is suitable for use on materials that tend to clog.
For finishing and deburring light metals such as copper, aluminum, and plastic products.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a single-tooth file with a cutting edge cut in only one direction.
  • It produces a clean finished surface and is suitable for use on materials that tend to clog.
  • For finishing and deburring light metals such as copper, aluminum, and plastic products.
Specifications in detail
File type: Single cut (S-cut)
Type: 8-piece set, fine
Total length (mm): 200
Blade length (mm): 100
Blade width (mm): 9
Blade thickness (mm): 3
Shape: Flat


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