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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Whereas regular files are made by sharpening, precision files are made by drawing, resulting in extremely fine teeth.
  • It is very effective for delicate work.
  • Every detail, such as the shape, tooth angle, and fineness of the teeth, has been carefully considered to suit the increasingly diverse and complex fine work required.
  • The sharpness, precision, and durability are of world-class high quality.
  • The handle is knurled to improve workability.
  • The bag, which can also be used as a storage case, has a lid designed to prevent small precision files from falling out.
  • For processing all kinds of metals, including iron.
  • For precision metal processing and precision finishing of precious metals.
Specifications in detail
Grit size: Fine (#6)
Type: Precision (#6)
Blade length (mm): 80
Total length (mm): 180
Handle diameter (mm): 3.5
Shape: Triangle
Blade thickness (mm): 4.2
Blade width (mm): 4.2


TSUBOSAN Việt Nam | Tsubosan Precision File Set of 8 Triangle MW4443829

Thương hiệu: TSUBOSAN
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Whereas regular files are made by sharpening, precision files are made by drawing, resulting in extremely fine teeth. It is very effective for delicate work. Every detail, such as the shape, tooth angle, and fineness of the teeth, has been carefully considered to suit the increasingly diverse and complex fine work required. The sharpness, precision, and durability are of world-class high quality. The handle is knurled to improve workability. The bag, which can also be used as a storage case, has a lid designed to prevent small precision files from falling out....
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Whereas regular files are made by sharpening, precision files are made by drawing, resulting in extremely fine teeth.
  • It is very effective for delicate work.
  • Every detail, such as the shape, tooth angle, and fineness of the teeth, has been carefully considered to suit the increasingly diverse and complex fine work required.
  • The sharpness, precision, and durability are of world-class high quality.
  • The handle is knurled to improve workability.
  • The bag, which can also be used as a storage case, has a lid designed to prevent small precision files from falling out.
  • For processing all kinds of metals, including iron.
  • For precision metal processing and precision finishing of precious metals.
Specifications in detail
Grit size: Fine (#6)
Type: Precision (#6)
Blade length (mm): 80
Total length (mm): 180
Handle diameter (mm): 3.5
Shape: Triangle
Blade thickness (mm): 4.2
Blade width (mm): 4.2


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