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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It can be used smoothly to perform tasks that are difficult to perform with conventional straight files, such as grinding recessed grooves created by a trowel file or grinding protrusions on flat surfaces (such as rivets).
  • For grinding and deburring iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, ceramics, etc.
Specifications in detail
Type: Fine
Total length (mm): 315
Blade length (mm): 200
Blade width (mm): 21
Blade thickness (mm): 5
Shape: Flat


TSUBOSAN Việt Nam | Tsubosan Bright 900 Varito M Flat 200mm Fine Handle Crank Type MW5704368

Thương hiệu: TSUBOSAN
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It can be used smoothly to perform tasks that are difficult to perform with conventional straight files, such as grinding recessed grooves created by a trowel file or grinding protrusions on flat surfaces (such as rivets).
For grinding and deburring iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, ceramics, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It can be used smoothly to perform tasks that are difficult to perform with conventional straight files, such as grinding recessed grooves created by a trowel file or grinding protrusions on flat surfaces (such as rivets).
  • For grinding and deburring iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, ceramics, etc.
Specifications in detail
Type: Fine
Total length (mm): 315
Blade length (mm): 200
Blade width (mm): 21
Blade thickness (mm): 5
Shape: Flat


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