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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a proposal for a tool specifically designed for deburring, something that has never been seen before.
  • By adopting the VR cut with an obtuse angle for the file teeth, you can experience a burr removal feeling like never before.
  • By revising the tapered structure of the file cross section and making it a straight structure, burrs can be removed stably.
  • By applying hard chrome to the surface, we have achieved high durability and excellent chip removal properties.
  • Deburring.
  • For grinding iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, ceramics, etc.
Specifications in detail
Type: Fine
Total length (mm): 315
Blade length (mm): 200
Blade width (mm): 21
Blade thickness (mm): 5
Shape: Flat


TSUBOSAN Việt Nam | Tsubosan Bright 900 Varito Flat 200mm Fine Handle MW8285843

Thương hiệu: TSUBOSAN
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This is a proposal for a tool specifically designed for deburring, something that has never been seen before. By adopting the VR cut with an obtuse angle for the file teeth, you can experience a burr removal feeling like never before. By revising the tapered structure of the file cross section and making it a straight structure, burrs can be removed stably. By applying hard chrome to the surface, we have achieved high durability and excellent chip removal properties.
Deburring. For grinding iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a proposal for a tool specifically designed for deburring, something that has never been seen before.
  • By adopting the VR cut with an obtuse angle for the file teeth, you can experience a burr removal feeling like never before.
  • By revising the tapered structure of the file cross section and making it a straight structure, burrs can be removed stably.
  • By applying hard chrome to the surface, we have achieved high durability and excellent chip removal properties.
  • Deburring.
  • For grinding iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, ceramics, etc.
Specifications in detail
Type: Fine
Total length (mm): 315
Blade length (mm): 200
Blade width (mm): 21
Blade thickness (mm): 5
Shape: Flat


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