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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is particularly good at removing cutting chips, there is almost no clogging of the file, and cutting chips can be easily removed, so the sharp cutting edge is maintained.
  • Durability is 3 to 6 times higher than conventional products (depending on the work material).
  • It has excellent rust and corrosion resistance, and prevents deterioration due to rust in humid environments and marine environments.
  • For processing iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, and ceramics.
Specifications in detail
Type: Fine
Total length (mm): 215
Blade length (mm): 110
Shape: Set of 5


TSUBOSAN Việt Nam | Tsubosan Bright 900 5-piece set, fine grain MW8527954

Thương hiệu: TSUBOSAN
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It is particularly good at removing cutting chips, there is almost no clogging of the file, and cutting chips can be easily removed, so the sharp cutting edge is maintained. Durability is 3 to 6 times higher than conventional products (depending on the work material). It has excellent rust and corrosion resistance, and prevents deterioration due to rust in humid environments and marine environments.
For processing iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, and ceramics.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is particularly good at removing cutting chips, there is almost no clogging of the file, and cutting chips can be easily removed, so the sharp cutting edge is maintained.
  • Durability is 3 to 6 times higher than conventional products (depending on the work material).
  • It has excellent rust and corrosion resistance, and prevents deterioration due to rust in humid environments and marine environments.
  • For processing iron, wood products, wax, plastic products, aluminum, copper, mold steel, stainless steel, and ceramics.
Specifications in detail
Type: Fine
Total length (mm): 215
Blade length (mm): 110
Shape: Set of 5


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