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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Since it is uncoated, it is light, extremely flexible, and adapts well to uneven surfaces.
  • It has excellent tensile strength because it is a twill weave.
  • This is a safe product that is non-asbestos and non-ceramic, and does not contain any fibers that can cause skin irritation.
  • It does not contain harmful fibers such as asbestos or RCF (refractory ceramic fiber) or skin irritating glass fibers.


  • Used as a welding spark catcher sheet and protective sheet.
Specifications in detail
JIS A 1323 A-class pass No. 03A0140
(public interest incorporated foundation) Japan Fire Retardant Association Fire Retardant Performance Test Compliant Test No. CO030041
Thickness: Approx. 1.3 mm
Type: No. 4
Number of eyelets: 16
Eyelet pitch (mm) Short side: 470
Eyelet pitch (mm) Long side: 470
Width (mm): 1920
Length (mm): 1920
Japan Fire Retardant Association Test No.: (public interest incorporated foundation) Japan Fire Retardant Association Fire Retardant Performance Test Compliant Test No. CO030041
JIS standard product: JIS A 1323 A-class pass No. 03A0140
Thickness (mm): Approx. 1.3


TRUSCO Việt Nam | TRUSCO Platinum Spatter Sheet No. 4 1920 x 1920 Welding Blanket PLATINUM(NonCoating)Light&Soft Type MW2547228

Thương hiệu: TRUSCO
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Features: Since it is uncoated, it is light, extremely flexible, and adapts well to uneven surfaces.It has excellent tensile strength because it is a twill weave.This is a safe product that is non-asbestos and non-ceramic, and does not contain any fibers that can cause skin irritation.It does not contain harmful fibers such as asbestos or RCF (refractory ceramic fiber) or skin irritating glass fibers.
Applications: Used as a welding spark catcher sheet and protective sheet.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Since it is uncoated, it is light, extremely flexible, and adapts well to uneven surfaces.
  • It has excellent tensile strength because it is a twill weave.
  • This is a safe product that is non-asbestos and non-ceramic, and does not contain any fibers that can cause skin irritation.
  • It does not contain harmful fibers such as asbestos or RCF (refractory ceramic fiber) or skin irritating glass fibers.


  • Used as a welding spark catcher sheet and protective sheet.
Specifications in detail
JIS A 1323 A-class pass No. 03A0140
(public interest incorporated foundation) Japan Fire Retardant Association Fire Retardant Performance Test Compliant Test No. CO030041
Thickness: Approx. 1.3 mm
Type: No. 4
Number of eyelets: 16
Eyelet pitch (mm) Short side: 470
Eyelet pitch (mm) Long side: 470
Width (mm): 1920
Length (mm): 1920
Japan Fire Retardant Association Test No.: (public interest incorporated foundation) Japan Fire Retardant Association Fire Retardant Performance Test Compliant Test No. CO030041
JIS standard product: JIS A 1323 A-class pass No. 03A0140
Thickness (mm): Approx. 1.3


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