TRUSCO TS-K15 | TRUSCO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Rod scale (front: millimeter scale, back: millimeter scale and square scale)
90° angle accuracy: ±0.2mm
Thickness: Long rod part 1.5mm
Thickness: Short rod part 7.5mm
Rod length (mm): 178
Base length (mm): 101
Table width (mm): 18
Base thickness (mm): 7.5
Nominal dimensions (mm): 180 x 101
Shape: Perfect square


TRUSCO Việt Nam | TRUSCO Perfect Square 150mm MW2327279

Thương hiệu: TRUSCO
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Đặc tính
  • This one tool can check both inside and outside corners for right angles and length.
  • By using the right angles of the inside and outside corners, it is possible to inspect the workpiece for right angles and mark off right angles.
Ứng dụng
  • Inspecting right angles, preventing right angle injuries, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Rod scale (front: millimeter scale, back: millimeter scale and square scale)
90° angle accuracy: ±0.2mm
Thickness: Long rod part 1.5mm
Thickness: Short rod part 7.5mm
Rod length (mm): 178
Base length (mm): 101
Table width (mm): 18
Base thickness (mm): 7.5
Nominal dimensions (mm): 180 x 101
Shape: Perfect square


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