Trusco Nakayama Việt Nam | TRUSCO Blue Sheet #2000 MW3600017 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Thickness: 0.18mm
Eyelet pitch: 90cm
Width (m): 1.7
Length (m): 1.7
Thickness (mm): 0.18
Number of eyelets (pieces): 8
Eyelet pitch (cm): 90
Durability period: Approx. 3-6 months
Tensile strength: Length 480N/5cm, Width 320N/5cm
Count (#): 2000
Color: Blue

Trusco Nakayama BS20-1818

Trusco Nakayama Việt Nam | TRUSCO Blue Sheet #2000 MW3600017

Thương hiệu: Trusco Nakayama
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
  • Very strong and durable.
  • Even after repeated use, it does not crack like plywood.
  • It is water resistant and washable, so you don't have to worry about it getting wet outdoors.
  • For floors and hallways in construction, factories, and moving sites.

Trusco Nakayama BS20-1818

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Thickness: 0.18mm
Eyelet pitch: 90cm
Width (m): 1.7
Length (m): 1.7
Thickness (mm): 0.18
Number of eyelets (pieces): 8
Eyelet pitch (cm): 90
Durability period: Approx. 3-6 months
Tensile strength: Length 480N/5cm, Width 320N/5cm
Count (#): 2000
Color: Blue

Trusco Nakayama BS20-1818

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