Trusco Nakayama Việt Nam | TRUSCO air gun installation type/with cock MW2276216 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Maximum working pressure: 0.6MPa
Intake outer diameter (mm): 32
Exhaust outer diameter (mm): 30.5
Overall length (mm): 144
Air consumption ((liter)/min) :530
Air installation port: 1/4 plug

Trusco Nakayama MAG-22SV

Trusco Nakayama Việt Nam | TRUSCO air gun installation type/with cock MW2276216

Thương hiệu: Trusco Nakayama
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
  • Sucking and spraying is possible just by changing the direction of the nozzle.
  • Blowing away powder, chips, fiber waste, water, smoke, etc., and cooling hot workpieces.

Trusco Nakayama MAG-22SV

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Maximum working pressure: 0.6MPa
Intake outer diameter (mm): 32
Exhaust outer diameter (mm): 30.5
Overall length (mm): 144
Air consumption ((liter)/min) :530
Air installation port: 1/4 plug

Trusco Nakayama MAG-22SV

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