Trusco Nakayama Việt Nam | TRUSCO Air Duster Lever Type/Long Nozzle/Plug Type MW3654834 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Maximum operating pressure: 1MPa
Operating temperature range: 0 to 60℃
2010 Good Design Award winner
Nozzle length (mm): 200
Nozzle diameter (mm): 2
Nozzle installation Port: G1/8
Air installation port: 1/4 plug
Total length (mm): 312
Compatible nozzle: TD-18-0N, 1N, 2N, 3N, 5N

Trusco Nakayama TD-80B-2

Trusco Nakayama Việt Nam | TRUSCO Air Duster Lever Type/Long Nozzle/Plug Type MW3654834

Thương hiệu: Trusco Nakayama
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Liên hệ
  • It has a streamlined body that fits your hand.
  • Uses a large trigger that does not cause fatigue even when used for long periods of time.
  • General dust work.

Trusco Nakayama TD-80B-2

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Maximum operating pressure: 1MPa
Operating temperature range: 0 to 60℃
2010 Good Design Award winner
Nozzle length (mm): 200
Nozzle diameter (mm): 2
Nozzle installation Port: G1/8
Air installation port: 1/4 plug
Total length (mm): 312
Compatible nozzle: TD-18-0N, 1N, 2N, 3N, 5N

Trusco Nakayama TD-80B-2

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