TONE AI4161 | TONE Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • To allow for efficient loosening work, the reverse (left) rotation direction can be set to have more power than the forward (right) rotation.
  • This twin hammer provides stable impact with little recoil, and is durable and powerful.


  • For changing car tires and general tightening/loosening of bolts and nuts.
Specifications in detail
Air pressure used: 0.62MPa
Bolt capacity (mm): 16
Socket drive size (mm): 12.7
Air consumption (m3/min): 0.91
Hose attachment port: Rc1/4 (PT1/4)
Exhaust: Downward
Total length (mm): 160
Hammer type: Twin hammer
Maximum tightening torque (N・m) Right rotation: 510
Maximum tightening torque (N・m) Left rotation: 570
Air pressure used (MPa): 0.62
No-load speed (min(-1)) Left rotation: 11000
No-load speed (min(-1)) Right rotation: 10000


TONE Việt Nam | TONE Air Impact Wrench, Bolt diameter capacity 16mm, Socket size 12.7mm MW4471911

Thương hiệu: TONE
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Features: To allow for efficient loosening work, the reverse (left) rotation direction can be set to have more power than the forward (right) rotation.This twin hammer provides stable impact with little recoil, and is durable and powerful.
Applications: For changing car tires and general tightening/loosening of bolts and nuts.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • To allow for efficient loosening work, the reverse (left) rotation direction can be set to have more power than the forward (right) rotation.
  • This twin hammer provides stable impact with little recoil, and is durable and powerful.


  • For changing car tires and general tightening/loosening of bolts and nuts.
Specifications in detail
Air pressure used: 0.62MPa
Bolt capacity (mm): 16
Socket drive size (mm): 12.7
Air consumption (m3/min): 0.91
Hose attachment port: Rc1/4 (PT1/4)
Exhaust: Downward
Total length (mm): 160
Hammer type: Twin hammer
Maximum tightening torque (N・m) Right rotation: 510
Maximum tightening torque (N・m) Left rotation: 570
Air pressure used (MPa): 0.62
No-load speed (min(-1)) Left rotation: 11000
No-load speed (min(-1)) Right rotation: 10000


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