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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The attached tube rotates at 20 times per second to generate shock waves.
  • The hammering effect of the shock waves instantly removes moisture and dust that has accumulated in recesses.
  • The nozzle diameter is 40φ, so a wide area can be treated at once, significantly reducing work time.
  • The operating pressure is 0.45MPa or less, which also helps save on electricity bills.
  • Durability is approximately 3000 hours.
  • The effective range of air is four times that of a regular air gun, at 40% to 60% of the operating pressure. By shortening the working time and reducing the air power consumption, electricity bills are expected to be 1/3 or less compared to conventional products.


  • For cleaning various filter media.
  • For draining latticed or uneven surfaces.
  • For removing light burrs and polishing powder from processed parts.
  • For draining oil, water, and removing excess rust inhibitors from processed parts.
  • For cleaning radiator and heat exchanger aluminum fins.
  • For stirring and drying granular resin materials.
  • For removing dust from work clothes and uniforms.
  • For removing dust from semiconductor transport trays and mounting boards.
  • For removing dust from food lines and packaging materials.
Specifications in detail
Air gun output: 0.4-0.45MPa
Direct connection with fixed piping Output: 0.3-0.35MPa
Connection port: 1/8 (L10mm) External thread
Injection port diameter: 40φ
Nozzle section total length: 118mm
Air attachment port: G1/8
Total length (mm): 118
Operating temperature (℃): 10-40
Operating air pressure (MPa): 0.4-0.45
Fluid: Air, inert gas
Exhaust outer diameter (mm): 40
Air consumption ((liters)/min): 100-110
Flow rate (NL/min): 100-110


TOHATSU Việt Nam | Tohatsu Rotating Wave Nozzle Patagun SPG-40 Unit Type (Injection Nozzle Diameter 40φ) Rotational Wave Nozzle PataGun MW3992171

Thương hiệu: TOHATSU
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Features: The attached tube rotates at 20 times per second to generate shock waves.The hammering effect of the shock waves instantly removes moisture and dust that has accumulated in recesses.The nozzle diameter is 40φ, so a wide area can be treated at once, significantly reducing work time.The operating pressure is 0.45MPa or less, which also helps save on electricity bills.Durability is approximately 3000 hours.The effective range of air is four times that of a regular air gun, at 40% to 60% of the operating pressure. By shortening the working time and reducing the air power consumption, electricity bills are expected to be 1/3 or less compared to conventional products....
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The attached tube rotates at 20 times per second to generate shock waves.
  • The hammering effect of the shock waves instantly removes moisture and dust that has accumulated in recesses.
  • The nozzle diameter is 40φ, so a wide area can be treated at once, significantly reducing work time.
  • The operating pressure is 0.45MPa or less, which also helps save on electricity bills.
  • Durability is approximately 3000 hours.
  • The effective range of air is four times that of a regular air gun, at 40% to 60% of the operating pressure. By shortening the working time and reducing the air power consumption, electricity bills are expected to be 1/3 or less compared to conventional products.


  • For cleaning various filter media.
  • For draining latticed or uneven surfaces.
  • For removing light burrs and polishing powder from processed parts.
  • For draining oil, water, and removing excess rust inhibitors from processed parts.
  • For cleaning radiator and heat exchanger aluminum fins.
  • For stirring and drying granular resin materials.
  • For removing dust from work clothes and uniforms.
  • For removing dust from semiconductor transport trays and mounting boards.
  • For removing dust from food lines and packaging materials.
Specifications in detail
Air gun output: 0.4-0.45MPa
Direct connection with fixed piping Output: 0.3-0.35MPa
Connection port: 1/8 (L10mm) External thread
Injection port diameter: 40φ
Nozzle section total length: 118mm
Air attachment port: G1/8
Total length (mm): 118
Operating temperature (℃): 10-40
Operating air pressure (MPa): 0.4-0.45
Fluid: Air, inert gas
Exhaust outer diameter (mm): 40
Air consumption ((liters)/min): 100-110
Flow rate (NL/min): 100-110


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