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Thùng dụng cụ 163 chi tiết STAHLWILLE - #98814915 - 13221 WT/TS
Thông tin sản phẩm
13221 WT/TS AOG-Kit for aeroplanes in tool trolley no 13217.
163 Tools, in TCS inlays.
- no 10 (Dimensions 4 x 5; 6 x 7; 8 x 9; 10 x 11; 12 x 13; 14 x 15; 16 x 17; 18 x 21; 19 x 22; 27 x 32 mm)
- no 13a (Dimensions 3/8; 7/16; 1/2; 9/16; 5/8; 11/16")
- no 17 (Dimensions 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 mm)
- no 23 (Dimensions 6 x 7; 8 x 9; 10 x 11; 12 x 13; 14 x 15; 16 x 17; 18 x 19; 20 x 22 mm)
- no 40D (1/4" Inside Square Dimensions 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14 mm)
- no 40DL (1/4" Inside Square Dimensions 5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 11; 12; 13 mm)
- no 40aDL (1/4" Inside Square Dimensions 3/16; 7/32; 1/4; 9/32; 5/16; 11/32; 3/8; 7/16; 1/2; 9/16")
- no 405QR/2 (1/4" Quadro esterno Inside Square 54 mm)
- no 405QR/6 (1/4" Quadro esterno Inside Square 150 mm)
- no 407QR (1/4" Quadro esterno Inside Square 45 mm)
- no 409 (3/8" Quadro esterno 1/4" Inside Square)
- no 412 (1/4" Inside Hexagon Inside Square)
- no 415QR N (1/4" Quadro esterno)
- no 415B (1/4" Inside Hexagon)
- no 45 (3/8" Inside Square Dimensions 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 mm)
- no 45a (3/8" Inside Square Dimensions 1/2; 9/16; 19/32; 5/8; 11/16; 3/4; 15/16; 1")
- no 427QR/3 (3/8" Quadro esterno Inside Square 76 mm)
- no 427QR/6 (3/8" Quadro esterno Inside Square 160 mm)
- no 428QR (3/8" Quadro esterno Inside Square 46 mm)
- no 431 (1/4" Quadro esterno 3/8" Inside Square)
- no 435QR N (3/8" Quadro esterno)
- no 3115 (1/4" Quadro esterno Outside Hexagon)
- no 13010 (Dimensions 4; 5; 6; 8; 10)
- no 4008-1
- no 4622SK (Dimensione 1 - 0,8 x 4,0 x 90 mm)
- no 4622SK (Dimensione 3 - 1,2 x 6,5 x 125 mm)
- no 4632SK (Dimensions 1; 2; 3)
- no 4636 (no 4; 8)
- no 4724 (Dimensione 2 - 1,0 x 5,5 x 25 mm)
- no 4744 (Dimensione 1)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 4 - 0,3 x 1,5 mm)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 6 - 0,4 x 2,0 mm)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 7 - 0,4 x 2,5 mm)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 8 - 0,5 x 3,0 mm)
- no 4752 (Dimensione 0; 1)
- no 10767H/9 (Dimensions 1,5; 2; 2,5; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10 mm)
- no 10767a/8 (Dimensions 5/64; 3/32; 1/8; 5/32; 3/16; 7/32; 1/4; 5/16")
- no 65 01 5 180
- no 65 18 5 130
- no 65 35 5 200
- no 65 51 5 240
- no 65 71 2 165
- no 65 75 1 220
- no 65 76 5 231
- no 66 07 6 110
- no 90432513
- no 105 (120 x 10 mm)
- no 108 (150 x 2,5; 150 x 3; 150 x 4; 150 x 5; 150 x 6 mm)
- no 10956 (Diameter in mm 27 mm)
- no 10960 (300 g)
- no 11095/20 (0,05-1 mm)
- no 12320
- no 12321
- no 12375
- no 12600 (270 g)
- no 12800
- no 12900N
- no 12921M (Diameter in mm 57 mm)
- no 12922E (Diameter in mm 6 mm)
- no 12931 (3 m)
- no 13110 (300 mm)
- no 13128
- no 13130
- no 13217-3 TS
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Thùng dụng cụ 163 chi tiết STAHLWILLE - #98814915 - 13221 WT/TS
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Thông tin sản phẩm
13221 WT/TS AOG-Kit for aeroplanes in tool trolley no 13217.
163 Tools, in TCS inlays.
- no 10 (Dimensions 4 x 5; 6 x 7; 8 x 9; 10 x 11; 12 x 13; 14 x 15; 16 x 17; 18 x 21; 19 x 22; 27 x 32 mm)
- no 13a (Dimensions 3/8; 7/16; 1/2; 9/16; 5/8; 11/16")
- no 17 (Dimensions 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 mm)
- no 23 (Dimensions 6 x 7; 8 x 9; 10 x 11; 12 x 13; 14 x 15; 16 x 17; 18 x 19; 20 x 22 mm)
- no 40D (1/4" Inside Square Dimensions 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14 mm)
- no 40DL (1/4" Inside Square Dimensions 5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 11; 12; 13 mm)
- no 40aDL (1/4" Inside Square Dimensions 3/16; 7/32; 1/4; 9/32; 5/16; 11/32; 3/8; 7/16; 1/2; 9/16")
- no 405QR/2 (1/4" Quadro esterno Inside Square 54 mm)
- no 405QR/6 (1/4" Quadro esterno Inside Square 150 mm)
- no 407QR (1/4" Quadro esterno Inside Square 45 mm)
- no 409 (3/8" Quadro esterno 1/4" Inside Square)
- no 412 (1/4" Inside Hexagon Inside Square)
- no 415QR N (1/4" Quadro esterno)
- no 415B (1/4" Inside Hexagon)
- no 45 (3/8" Inside Square Dimensions 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 mm)
- no 45a (3/8" Inside Square Dimensions 1/2; 9/16; 19/32; 5/8; 11/16; 3/4; 15/16; 1")
- no 427QR/3 (3/8" Quadro esterno Inside Square 76 mm)
- no 427QR/6 (3/8" Quadro esterno Inside Square 160 mm)
- no 428QR (3/8" Quadro esterno Inside Square 46 mm)
- no 431 (1/4" Quadro esterno 3/8" Inside Square)
- no 435QR N (3/8" Quadro esterno)
- no 3115 (1/4" Quadro esterno Outside Hexagon)
- no 13010 (Dimensions 4; 5; 6; 8; 10)
- no 4008-1
- no 4622SK (Dimensione 1 - 0,8 x 4,0 x 90 mm)
- no 4622SK (Dimensione 3 - 1,2 x 6,5 x 125 mm)
- no 4632SK (Dimensions 1; 2; 3)
- no 4636 (no 4; 8)
- no 4724 (Dimensione 2 - 1,0 x 5,5 x 25 mm)
- no 4744 (Dimensione 1)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 4 - 0,3 x 1,5 mm)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 6 - 0,4 x 2,0 mm)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 7 - 0,4 x 2,5 mm)
- no 4751 (Dimensione 8 - 0,5 x 3,0 mm)
- no 4752 (Dimensione 0; 1)
- no 10767H/9 (Dimensions 1,5; 2; 2,5; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10 mm)
- no 10767a/8 (Dimensions 5/64; 3/32; 1/8; 5/32; 3/16; 7/32; 1/4; 5/16")
- no 65 01 5 180
- no 65 18 5 130
- no 65 35 5 200
- no 65 51 5 240
- no 65 71 2 165
- no 65 75 1 220
- no 65 76 5 231
- no 66 07 6 110
- no 90432513
- no 105 (120 x 10 mm)
- no 108 (150 x 2,5; 150 x 3; 150 x 4; 150 x 5; 150 x 6 mm)
- no 10956 (Diameter in mm 27 mm)
- no 10960 (300 g)
- no 11095/20 (0,05-1 mm)
- no 12320
- no 12321
- no 12375
- no 12600 (270 g)
- no 12800
- no 12900N
- no 12921M (Diameter in mm 57 mm)
- no 12922E (Diameter in mm 6 mm)
- no 12931 (3 m)
- no 13110 (300 mm)
- no 13128
- no 13130
- no 13217-3 TS
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