TESTO TESTO410-2 | TESTO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has a built-in 30mm vane sensor.
  • Equipped with a function to calculate perceived temperature (Windchill).
  • This is a pocket-type vane anemometer that can also measure wind speed, temperature, and humidity.
  • It can be used not only for spot measurements at ventilation vents (air supply/exhaust vents) and checking air conditions, but also outdoors.
  • With the push of a button, this anemometer displays calculated values ​​for parameters such as dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, perceived temperature and Beaufort wind scale.
  • For measuring hot air speed at ventilation outlets and ducts.
Specifications in detail
Width x Depth x Height: 46 x 25 x 133 mm
Measurement temperature range (%RH): -
Wind speed measurement range (m/s): 0.4 to 20
Resolution (m/s): 0.1
Measurement accuracy (m/s): ±(0.2m/s+2% of measured value)
Height (mm): 46
Power supply (V): 2 AAA batteries (included)
Power supply: 2 AAA batteries (included)
Wind speed measurement accuracy: ±(0.2m/s+2% of measured value)
Measurement method: Vane type
Resolution: 0.1m/s
Measurement temperature range (℃): -10 to 50


TESTO Việt Nam | TESTO Vane Anemometer Testo 410-2 Pocket Line Series MW3337456

Thương hiệu: TESTO
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Liên hệ
It has a built-in 30mm vane sensor. Equipped with a function to calculate perceived temperature (Windchill). This is a pocket-type vane anemometer that can also measure wind speed, temperature, and humidity. It can be used not only for spot measurements at ventilation vents (air supply/exhaust vents) and checking air conditions, but also outdoors. With the push of a button, this anemometer displays calculated values ​​for parameters such as dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, perceived temperature and Beaufort wind scale.
For measuring hot air speed at ventilation outlets and ducts.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has a built-in 30mm vane sensor.
  • Equipped with a function to calculate perceived temperature (Windchill).
  • This is a pocket-type vane anemometer that can also measure wind speed, temperature, and humidity.
  • It can be used not only for spot measurements at ventilation vents (air supply/exhaust vents) and checking air conditions, but also outdoors.
  • With the push of a button, this anemometer displays calculated values ​​for parameters such as dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, perceived temperature and Beaufort wind scale.
  • For measuring hot air speed at ventilation outlets and ducts.
Specifications in detail
Width x Depth x Height: 46 x 25 x 133 mm
Measurement temperature range (%RH): -
Wind speed measurement range (m/s): 0.4 to 20
Resolution (m/s): 0.1
Measurement accuracy (m/s): ±(0.2m/s+2% of measured value)
Height (mm): 46
Power supply (V): 2 AAA batteries (included)
Power supply: 2 AAA batteries (included)
Wind speed measurement accuracy: ±(0.2m/s+2% of measured value)
Measurement method: Vane type
Resolution: 0.1m/s
Measurement temperature range (℃): -10 to 50


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