TESTO 0564 2552 55 | TESTO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The testo 552i is a wireless vacuum gauge for measuring the vacuum process in air conditioners and refrigeration units.
  • It connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone/tablet with a dedicated app installed and the manifold, allowing for measurement, recording, and documentation.
  • Wireless measurement, recording and documentation via mobile app.
  • Measurement data can be exported as a PDF report or CSV file.


  • For vacuuming air conditioners and freezers (0 to 26.66 hPa).
Specifications in detail
Measurement range: 0 to 26.66hPa/0 to 20000micron
Accuracy: ±(10micron+10% of measured value) (100 to 1000micron)
Resolution: 1micron (0 to 1000micron), 10micron (1000 to 2000micron), 100micron (2000 to 5000micron)
Pressure resistance: 0.6MPa (gauge pressure 0.5MPa)
Connection port size: 1/4 inch flare
Long distance Bluetooth
45 degree angle shaft
Dustproof and waterproof (IP 54)

TESTO 0564 2552 55

TESTO Việt Nam | TESTO Vacuum Gauge Testo 552i Smart Probe Vacuum Gauge testo 552i via Smartphone Operation MW2538151

Thương hiệu: TESTO
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Liên hệ
Features: The testo 552i is a wireless vacuum gauge for measuring the vacuum process in air conditioners and refrigeration units.It connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone/tablet with a dedicated app installed and the manifold, allowing for measurement, recording, and documentation.Wireless measurement, recording and documentation via mobile app.Measurement data can be exported as a PDF report or CSV file.
Applications: For vacuuming air conditioners and freezers (0 to 26.66 hPa).
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The testo 552i is a wireless vacuum gauge for measuring the vacuum process in air conditioners and refrigeration units.
  • It connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone/tablet with a dedicated app installed and the manifold, allowing for measurement, recording, and documentation.
  • Wireless measurement, recording and documentation via mobile app.
  • Measurement data can be exported as a PDF report or CSV file.


  • For vacuuming air conditioners and freezers (0 to 26.66 hPa).
Specifications in detail
Measurement range: 0 to 26.66hPa/0 to 20000micron
Accuracy: ±(10micron+10% of measured value) (100 to 1000micron)
Resolution: 1micron (0 to 1000micron), 10micron (1000 to 2000micron), 100micron (2000 to 5000micron)
Pressure resistance: 0.6MPa (gauge pressure 0.5MPa)
Connection port size: 1/4 inch flare
Long distance Bluetooth
45 degree angle shaft
Dustproof and waterproof (IP 54)

TESTO 0564 2552 55

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