TESTO TESTO830-T2 | TESTO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • 2 laser point type.
  • It is a pistol-shaped handle that is easy to hold and use.
  • It has an alarm function.
  • It is a backlit display.
  • An external K thermocouple probe can be connected.
  • Displays the maximum and minimum values.
  • This is an infrared radiation thermometer that can efficiently measure surface temperature without contact.
  • Two laser points are used to illuminate the top and bottom of the measurement spot, allowing you to visually determine the measurement range and achieve more accurate measurements.
  • Easy-to-use gun-type design with alarm function, especially suitable for temperature control in industrial fields.
Specifications in detail
Width x Depth x Height: 38 x 75 x 190 mm
Distance to measurement range ratio (D to S): 12 to 1
Accuracy: ±1.5°C or ±1.5% of measured value (+0.1 to +400°C) ±2°C or ±2% of measured value (-30 to 0°C)
Measurement temperature range (℃): -30 to 400
Minimum temperature display (℃): 0.1
Depth (mm): 75
Height (mm): 38
Measurement field of view (mm): 12:1
Aiming laser: Infrared
Power supply (V): 1 x 9V stacked battery (included)
Power supply: 1 x 9V stacked battery (included)
Emissivity: 0.20 to 1.00


TESTO Việt Nam | TESTO infrared radiation thermometer testo 830-T2 MW4214625

Thương hiệu: TESTO
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Liên hệ
2 laser point type. It is a pistol-shaped handle that is easy to hold and use. It has an alarm function. It is a backlit display. An external K thermocouple probe can be connected. Displays the maximum and minimum values. This is an infrared radiation thermometer that can efficiently measure surface temperature without contact. Two laser points are used to illuminate the top and bottom of the measurement spot, allowing you to visually determine the measurement range and achieve more accurate measurements. Easy-to-use gun-type design with alarm function, especially suitable for temperature control in industrial fields.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • 2 laser point type.
  • It is a pistol-shaped handle that is easy to hold and use.
  • It has an alarm function.
  • It is a backlit display.
  • An external K thermocouple probe can be connected.
  • Displays the maximum and minimum values.
  • This is an infrared radiation thermometer that can efficiently measure surface temperature without contact.
  • Two laser points are used to illuminate the top and bottom of the measurement spot, allowing you to visually determine the measurement range and achieve more accurate measurements.
  • Easy-to-use gun-type design with alarm function, especially suitable for temperature control in industrial fields.
Specifications in detail
Width x Depth x Height: 38 x 75 x 190 mm
Distance to measurement range ratio (D to S): 12 to 1
Accuracy: ±1.5°C or ±1.5% of measured value (+0.1 to +400°C) ±2°C or ±2% of measured value (-30 to 0°C)
Measurement temperature range (℃): -30 to 400
Minimum temperature display (℃): 0.1
Depth (mm): 75
Height (mm): 38
Measurement field of view (mm): 12:1
Aiming laser: Infrared
Power supply (V): 1 x 9V stacked battery (included)
Power supply: 1 x 9V stacked battery (included)
Emissivity: 0.20 to 1.00


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