TESTO 0563 0425X3011X1001 Z | TESTO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Test points (m/s) are 1/5/10m/s.


  • For measuring air speed and temperature at the air outlets of air conditioning units and air conditioners.
Specifications in detail
Wind speed sensor: Thermal wind
speed measurement range (m/s): 0 to 20
Resolution (m/s): 0.01
Measurement accuracy (m/s): ±(0.03m/s + 4.0% of measured value) (0.01 to +20m/s)
Width (mm): 135
Depth (mm): 60
Height (mm): 28

TESTO 0563 0425X3011X1001 Z

TESTO Việt Nam | TESTO hot wire anemometer testo 425 with wind speed and temperature calibration documents (anonymous) MW6886759

Thương hiệu: TESTO
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Features: Test points (m/s) are 1/5/10m/s.
Applications: For measuring air speed and temperature at the air outlets of air conditioning units and air conditioners.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Test points (m/s) are 1/5/10m/s.


  • For measuring air speed and temperature at the air outlets of air conditioning units and air conditioners.
Specifications in detail
Wind speed sensor: Thermal wind
speed measurement range (m/s): 0 to 20
Resolution (m/s): 0.01
Measurement accuracy (m/s): ±(0.03m/s + 4.0% of measured value) (0.01 to +20m/s)
Width (mm): 135
Depth (mm): 60
Height (mm): 28

TESTO 0563 0425X3011X1001 Z

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