TESTO TESTO405 | TESTO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Measurements can be made inside the duct and at the duct outlet.
  • Comes with a duct holder and multi-purpose clip that are convenient for installing the anemometer.
  • The sensor probe is extendable (150-300mm).
  • Pocket size. (Extendable: 150-300mm)
  • This is a compact thermal anemometer that can measure wind speed and temperature.
  • This small anemometer has an extendable rod (up to 300 mm) and is suitable for checking the wind speed in ventilation ducts and measuring indoor wind speed (such as drafts through window gaps).
  • The display can be rotated to allow measurements to be viewed at any angle.
  • It comes with a sensor protection shutter for easy portability.
  • For measuring wind speed at ventilation outlets.
  • For measuring wind speed and volume in ducts.
Specifications in detail
Width x Depth x Height: 37 x 36 x 490mm
Wind speed measurement range (m/s): 0 to 10
Resolution (m/s): 0.01
Measurement accuracy (m/s): ±(0.1 m/s + 5% of measured value) (0 to 2 m/s/typ.)
Measurement air volume range (m3/h): 0 to 99999
Depth (mm): 37
Power supply (V): 3 AAA batteries (included)
Measurement accuracy: ±(0.1m/s + 5% of measured value (0 to 2m/s)), ±(0.3m/s + 5% of measured value (2.1 to 10m/s))
Measurement method: Hot wire
Resolution: 0.01m/s
Continuous use time (h): 20 hours
Measurement temperature range (℃): -20 to 50


TESTO Việt Nam | TESTO Hot Wire Anemometer Testo 405-V1 Stick Series MW3350631

Thương hiệu: TESTO
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Liên hệ
Measurements can be made inside the duct and at the duct outlet. Comes with a duct holder and multi-purpose clip that are convenient for installing the anemometer. The sensor probe is extendable (150-300mm). Pocket size. (Extendable: 150-300mm) This is a compact thermal anemometer that can measure wind speed and temperature. This small anemometer has an extendable rod (up to 300 mm) and is suitable for checking the wind speed in ventilation ducts and measuring indoor wind speed (such as drafts through window gaps). The display can be rotated to allow measurements to be viewed at any angle. It comes with a sensor protection shutter for easy portability.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Measurements can be made inside the duct and at the duct outlet.
  • Comes with a duct holder and multi-purpose clip that are convenient for installing the anemometer.
  • The sensor probe is extendable (150-300mm).
  • Pocket size. (Extendable: 150-300mm)
  • This is a compact thermal anemometer that can measure wind speed and temperature.
  • This small anemometer has an extendable rod (up to 300 mm) and is suitable for checking the wind speed in ventilation ducts and measuring indoor wind speed (such as drafts through window gaps).
  • The display can be rotated to allow measurements to be viewed at any angle.
  • It comes with a sensor protection shutter for easy portability.
  • For measuring wind speed at ventilation outlets.
  • For measuring wind speed and volume in ducts.
Specifications in detail
Width x Depth x Height: 37 x 36 x 490mm
Wind speed measurement range (m/s): 0 to 10
Resolution (m/s): 0.01
Measurement accuracy (m/s): ±(0.1 m/s + 5% of measured value) (0 to 2 m/s/typ.)
Measurement air volume range (m3/h): 0 to 99999
Depth (mm): 37
Power supply (V): 3 AAA batteries (included)
Measurement accuracy: ±(0.1m/s + 5% of measured value (0 to 2m/s)), ±(0.3m/s + 5% of measured value (2.1 to 10m/s))
Measurement method: Hot wire
Resolution: 0.01m/s
Continuous use time (h): 20 hours
Measurement temperature range (℃): -20 to 50


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