TESTO TESTO270 | TESTO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This oil tester quickly displays the degree of deterioration of edible frying oil using the TPM index.
  • The method of managing frying oil will standardize the oil change indicators so that anyone can make judgments.
  • This contributes to cost savings by making effective use of frying oil without replacing it more than necessary.
  • Protection rating IP65, can be washed under running water.
  • The oxidation and deterioration of frying oil is measured, and a color alarm is issued to notify you if the standard value is exceeded.
  • For measuring oil quality.
Specifications in detail
Measurement range (TPM): 0.5 to 40%
Resolution(%), (%rh): 0.5
Accuracy(%): ±2
Measurement temperature range (℃): +40 to -200
Minimum temperature display (℃): 0.1


TESTO Việt Nam | TESTO Cooking Oil Tester Testo 270 MW5741636

Thương hiệu: TESTO
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This oil tester quickly displays the degree of deterioration of edible frying oil using the TPM index. The method of managing frying oil will standardize the oil change indicators so that anyone can make judgments. This contributes to cost savings by making effective use of frying oil without replacing it more than necessary. Protection rating IP65, can be washed under running water. The oxidation and deterioration of frying oil is measured, and a color alarm is issued to notify you if the standard value is exceeded.
For measuring oil quali...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This oil tester quickly displays the degree of deterioration of edible frying oil using the TPM index.
  • The method of managing frying oil will standardize the oil change indicators so that anyone can make judgments.
  • This contributes to cost savings by making effective use of frying oil without replacing it more than necessary.
  • Protection rating IP65, can be washed under running water.
  • The oxidation and deterioration of frying oil is measured, and a color alarm is issued to notify you if the standard value is exceeded.
  • For measuring oil quality.
Specifications in detail
Measurement range (TPM): 0.5 to 40%
Resolution(%), (%rh): 0.5
Accuracy(%): ±2
Measurement temperature range (℃): +40 to -200
Minimum temperature display (℃): 0.1


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