TAMURA PE0350150 | TAMURA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Eyes on both ends
Basic load capacity (t): 1.25
Total length (m): 1.5
Belt dimensions (mm) Width x thickness: 35 x 9.0
Eye width (mm): 22
Eye length (mm): 250
Eye thickness (mm): 12
Sewing length (mm): 200
Maximum load capacity (t): 1.25

TAMURA PE0350150

TAMURA Việt Nam | Tamura Belt Sling P Type 3E 35 x 1.5 MW3903371

Thương hiệu: TAMURA
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  • It is light, easy to bend, and easy to handle, improving the efficiency of rigging work.
  • It uses strong polyester yarn and has excellent features such as tensile strength, durability, abrasion resistance, and low elongation.
  • The length and width are easy to understand due to the color coding of the eye...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Eyes on both ends
Basic load capacity (t): 1.25
Total length (m): 1.5
Belt dimensions (mm) Width x thickness: 35 x 9.0
Eye width (mm): 22
Eye length (mm): 250
Eye thickness (mm): 12
Sewing length (mm): 200
Maximum load capacity (t): 1.25

TAMURA PE0350150

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