TAJIMA PL-1700 | TAJIMA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is designed with plenty of space to hold plenty of powdered chalk.
  • The body is transparent, making it easy to check how much powder chalk is left.
  • Comes with stainless steel hook.
  • It has good sealing properties and does not leak powder.
  • Comes with a threader wire that is convenient when changing thread.


  • Setting standards using chalk.
Specifications in detail
Manual winding
Color: Transparent
Thread length (m): 20
Total length (mm): 200
Winding function: Manual
Tank capacity (g): 100
Wire diameter (mm): 1
Type: Main unit


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima Perfect Line 20m Chalk Line MW3772098

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Liên hệ
Features: It is designed with plenty of space to hold plenty of powdered chalk.The body is transparent, making it easy to check how much powder chalk is left.Comes with stainless steel hook.It has good sealing properties and does not leak powder.Comes with a threader wire that is convenient when changing thread.
Applications: Setting standards using chalk.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is designed with plenty of space to hold plenty of powdered chalk.
  • The body is transparent, making it easy to check how much powder chalk is left.
  • Comes with stainless steel hook.
  • It has good sealing properties and does not leak powder.
  • Comes with a threader wire that is convenient when changing thread.


  • Setting standards using chalk.
Specifications in detail
Manual winding
Color: Transparent
Thread length (m): 20
Total length (mm): 200
Winding function: Manual
Tank capacity (g): 100
Wire diameter (mm): 1
Type: Main unit


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