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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It has a "GUN fit" shape with no wrist bend.
  • The multi-head makes it easy to drill into corners and flat surfaces.
  • Highly sealed design prevents leakage.
  • Fully open for easy maintenance.
  • Multi-head makes it easy to drill into corners and flat surfaces
  • Strong winding spring
  • Safety needle storage point Karuko is standard equipment
  • Reel face rubber grip


  • Inking with ink
Specifications in detail
Automatic winding
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 15
Automatic winding thread length (m): 6 Thread
diameter (mm): 0.6
Ink tank maximum capacity (ml): 7
Total length (mm): 155


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima Perfect Ink Gun 6m Ink Line MW7537832

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Liên hệ
Features: It has a "GUN fit" shape with no wrist bend.The multi-head makes it easy to drill into corners and flat surfaces.Highly sealed design prevents leakage.Fully open for easy maintenance.Multi-head makes it easy to drill into corners and flat surfacesStrong winding springSafety needle storage point Karuko is standard equipmentReel face rubber grip
Applications: Inking with ink
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It has a "GUN fit" shape with no wrist bend.
  • The multi-head makes it easy to drill into corners and flat surfaces.
  • Highly sealed design prevents leakage.
  • Fully open for easy maintenance.
  • Multi-head makes it easy to drill into corners and flat surfaces
  • Strong winding spring
  • Safety needle storage point Karuko is standard equipment
  • Reel face rubber grip


  • Inking with ink
Specifications in detail
Automatic winding
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 15
Automatic winding thread length (m): 6 Thread
diameter (mm): 0.6
Ink tank maximum capacity (ml): 7
Total length (mm): 155


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