TAJIMA PCG-450 | TAJIMA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is covered with a resilient elastomer resin cover, which makes the finished surface less likely to get scratched and less slippery even when held with gloves.
  • It can be attached to wooden parts using installation pins, to iron parts using magnets, and also to aluminum sashes, concrete, etc. with just one touch.
  • Equipped with a balance adjustment mechanism that adjusts according to the weight of the plumb bob.
  • Depending on the on-site conditions, the thread distance from the mounting surface can be set to two levels (flush, 50 mm).
  • It features an attached handle that can be easily removed with one hand.
  • Uses fluorescent yellow thread for easy visibility.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 4.5
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000
Length (mm): 103
Width (mm): 120


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima Perfect Catch G450 Plumb Bob Setter MW8134579

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Features: It is covered with a resilient elastomer resin cover, which makes the finished surface less likely to get scratched and less slippery even when held with gloves.It can be attached to wooden parts using installation pins, to iron parts using magnets, and also to aluminum sashes, concrete, etc. with just one touch.Equipped with a balance adjustment mechanism that adjusts according to the weight of the plumb bob.Depending on the on-site conditions, the thread distance from the mounting surface can be set to two levels (flush, 50 mm).It features an attached handle that can be easily removed with one hand.Uses fluorescent yellow thread for easy visibility.
Applications: Architectural plumb bob holder.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is covered with a resilient elastomer resin cover, which makes the finished surface less likely to get scratched and less slippery even when held with gloves.
  • It can be attached to wooden parts using installation pins, to iron parts using magnets, and also to aluminum sashes, concrete, etc. with just one touch.
  • Equipped with a balance adjustment mechanism that adjusts according to the weight of the plumb bob.
  • Depending on the on-site conditions, the thread distance from the mounting surface can be set to two levels (flush, 50 mm).
  • It features an attached handle that can be easily removed with one hand.
  • Uses fluorescent yellow thread for easy visibility.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 4.5
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000
Length (mm): 103
Width (mm): 120


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