TAJIMA PCG3-HM1600W | TAJIMA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Equipped with a quick-winding mechanism that allows winding at three times the normal speed.
  • It can be attached to wood and iron.
  • It comes with an adjuster that allows you to adjust the slack in the thread on the plumb bob side.
  • Uses an ultra-strong magnet with a magnetic force of 45kg (magnetic flux density of 130mT).
  • Comes with a strap for easy carrying.
  • It uses a piercing needle, so it can be firmly attached to wood by hitting it with a hammer.
  • The guide thread structure allows you to easily replace the thread without opening the main unit.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
White Thread length (m): 16
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima Perfect Catch G3 - Fast Roll 1600W Plumb Bob Setter MW3871614

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Liên hệ
Features: Equipped with a quick-winding mechanism that allows winding at three times the normal speed.It can be attached to wood and iron.It comes with an adjuster that allows you to adjust the slack in the thread on the plumb bob side.Uses an ultra-strong magnet with a magnetic force of 45kg (magnetic flux density of 130mT).Comes with a strap for easy carrying.It uses a piercing needle, so it can be firmly attached to wood by hitting it with a hammer.The guide thread structure allows you to easily replace the thread without opening the main unit.
Applications: Architectural plumb bob holder.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Equipped with a quick-winding mechanism that allows winding at three times the normal speed.
  • It can be attached to wood and iron.
  • It comes with an adjuster that allows you to adjust the slack in the thread on the plumb bob side.
  • Uses an ultra-strong magnet with a magnetic force of 45kg (magnetic flux density of 130mT).
  • Comes with a strap for easy carrying.
  • It uses a piercing needle, so it can be firmly attached to wood by hitting it with a hammer.
  • The guide thread structure allows you to easily replace the thread without opening the main unit.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
White Thread length (m): 16
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000


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