TAJIMA PCG3-450W | TAJIMA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is an automatic rewind type.
  • It can be installed on wood, iron, aluminum sashes, and concrete.
  • Uses an ultra-strong magnet (magnetic flux density 130mT).
  • The case is made of ABS resin and elastomer resin and is molded as a single piece, making it non-slip.
  • It is equipped with a needle lock mechanism to prevent the needle from jumping out.
  • Uses fluorescent yellow thread for easy visibility.
  • The guide thread structure allows you to easily replace the thread without opening the main body.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
White Thread length (m): 4.5
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima Perfect Catch G3-450 White Plumb Bob Setter MW8134870

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Liên hệ
Features: It is an automatic rewind type.It can be installed on wood, iron, aluminum sashes, and concrete.Uses an ultra-strong magnet (magnetic flux density 130mT).The case is made of ABS resin and elastomer resin and is molded as a single piece, making it non-slip.It is equipped with a needle lock mechanism to prevent the needle from jumping out.Uses fluorescent yellow thread for easy visibility.The guide thread structure allows you to easily replace the thread without opening the main body.
Applications: Architectural plumb bob holder.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is an automatic rewind type.
  • It can be installed on wood, iron, aluminum sashes, and concrete.
  • Uses an ultra-strong magnet (magnetic flux density 130mT).
  • The case is made of ABS resin and elastomer resin and is molded as a single piece, making it non-slip.
  • It is equipped with a needle lock mechanism to prevent the needle from jumping out.
  • Uses fluorescent yellow thread for easy visibility.
  • The guide thread structure allows you to easily replace the thread without opening the main body.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
White Thread length (m): 4.5
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000


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