TAJIMA PL-V3 | TAJIMA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is a fast winding type that winds up three times in one rotation.
  • It uses a special thread that can be sewn three times with one pull.


  • For marking work with chalk.
Specifications in detail
Manual winding
Included thread: Triple thread (1.0mm thick)
Stainless steel
hook included Threader bar included
Color: Black
Thread length (m): 30
Total length (mm): 180
Winding function: Manual
Tank capacity (g): 100
Wire diameter (mm): 1
Type: Main unit


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima P-Line Chalk Fast Roll V3 Chalk Line MW8134857

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Liên hệ
Features: It is a fast winding type that winds up three times in one rotation.It uses a special thread that can be sewn three times with one pull.
Applications: For marking work with chalk.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It is a fast winding type that winds up three times in one rotation.
  • It uses a special thread that can be sewn three times with one pull.


  • For marking work with chalk.
Specifications in detail
Manual winding
Included thread: Triple thread (1.0mm thick)
Stainless steel
hook included Threader bar included
Color: Black
Thread length (m): 30
Total length (mm): 180
Winding function: Manual
Tank capacity (g): 100
Wire diameter (mm): 1
Type: Main unit


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