TAJIMA P-HM1600 | TAJIMA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It can be attached to wooden parts using a mounting pin (a pin that can be struck) and to iron parts using a powerful magnet (1.8 times the adhesive power of other products from the same company).
  • The slack in the thread can be taken up on the plumb bob side and it comes with an adjuster that allows you to adjust the height.
  • Equipped with a 3x speed hand-winding mechanism (winds 10m in 15 turns).
  • Equipped with elastomer to protect the main body.
  • Comes with a strap for easy carrying.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 16
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000


TAJIMA Việt Nam | Tajima P-Catch Hayamaki 1600 Plumb Bob Setter MW8134777

Thương hiệu: TAJIMA
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Liên hệ
Features: It can be attached to wooden parts using a mounting pin (a pin that can be struck) and to iron parts using a powerful magnet (1.8 times the adhesive power of other products from the same company).The slack in the thread can be taken up on the plumb bob side and it comes with an adjuster that allows you to adjust the height.Equipped with a 3x speed hand-winding mechanism (winds 10m in 15 turns).Equipped with elastomer to protect the main body.Comes with a strap for easy carrying.
Applications: Architectural plumb bob holder.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It can be attached to wooden parts using a mounting pin (a pin that can be struck) and to iron parts using a powerful magnet (1.8 times the adhesive power of other products from the same company).
  • The slack in the thread can be taken up on the plumb bob side and it comes with an adjuster that allows you to adjust the height.
  • Equipped with a 3x speed hand-winding mechanism (winds 10m in 15 turns).
  • Equipped with elastomer to protect the main body.
  • Comes with a strap for easy carrying.


  • Architectural plumb bob holder.
Specifications in detail
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 16
Suitable plumb bob weight (g): 100-1000


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