SUZUKID P-61 | SUZUKID Việt Nam | HTGoods
Bạn cần giúp đỡ? Hãy gọi: 1900 98 68 25 hoặc

Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Gas welding and cutting ignition lighter (blister pack)
  • For ignition during gas cutting and gas welding.
Specifications in detail
Pistol-shaped lighter
Includes 5 replacement stones


SUZUKID Việt Nam | SUZUKID Pistol-shaped Lighter with 5 stones MW1616880

Thương hiệu: SUZUKID
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Liên hệ
Gas welding and cutting ignition lighter (blister pack)
For ignition during gas cutting and gas welding.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Gas welding and cutting ignition lighter (blister pack)
  • For ignition during gas cutting and gas welding.
Specifications in detail
Pistol-shaped lighter
Includes 5 replacement stones


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