SUPER TC105NF | SUPER Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • There are no cutting chips, it has excellent sharpness, and the cut edge is clean.
  • The rollers on both sides of the main body and cutter wheel section allow for clean cuts of flexible pipes all the way to the end.


  • For cutting stainless steel flexible pipes (single-ridge corrugated pipes) and coated flexible pipes.
Specifications in detail
Cutting capacity (mm): 8-32
Total length (mm): 127
Maximum thickness (mm): 1
Compatible blade: TCC105F
Standard blade: TCC105F
Cutting capacity (A): 8-25


SUPER Việt Nam | Super Stainless Steel Flexible Pipe Cutter (for single-ridge corrugated pipes) Flexible pipes that can be cut: Outer diameter (nominal): 8-32 (8A-25A) Tube Cutter for Flexible Stainless Steel Pipe MW3665836

Thương hiệu: SUPER
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Liên hệ
Features: There are no cutting chips, it has excellent sharpness, and the cut edge is clean.The rollers on both sides of the main body and cutter wheel section allow for clean cuts of flexible pipes all the way to the end.
Applications: For cutting stainless steel flexible pipes (single-ridge corrugated pipes) and coated flexible pipes.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • There are no cutting chips, it has excellent sharpness, and the cut edge is clean.
  • The rollers on both sides of the main body and cutter wheel section allow for clean cuts of flexible pipes all the way to the end.


  • For cutting stainless steel flexible pipes (single-ridge corrugated pipes) and coated flexible pipes.
Specifications in detail
Cutting capacity (mm): 8-32
Total length (mm): 127
Maximum thickness (mm): 1
Compatible blade: TCC105F
Standard blade: TCC105F
Cutting capacity (A): 8-25


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