SUPER RN-1922 | SUPER Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Forward and reverse are switched using a claw.
  • It is cathodic electrocoating.
  • The claw type has an opening in the switch claw, making it easy to clean when sand gets stuck in it.
  • Safety rope attachment holes are provided (17x19, 17x21, 19x21 have two holes).
Specifications in detail
Sizes of 13 x 19 and 17 x 19 mm or larger have safety rope attachment holes.
Diagonal dimensions (mm): 19 x 22
Thickness (mm): 50
Total length (mm): 310


SUPER Việt Nam | Super double-ended ratchet wrench (claw type) hexagonal width: 19 x 22 Double-end Ratchet Wrench(Reversible Claw type) MW1082761

Thương hiệu: SUPER
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Features: Forward and reverse are switched using a claw.It is cathodic electrocoating.The claw type has an opening in the switch claw, making it easy to clean when sand gets stuck in it.Safety rope attachment holes are provided (17x19, 17x21, 19x21 have two holes).
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Forward and reverse are switched using a claw.
  • It is cathodic electrocoating.
  • The claw type has an opening in the switch claw, making it easy to clean when sand gets stuck in it.
  • Safety rope attachment holes are provided (17x19, 17x21, 19x21 have two holes).
Specifications in detail
Sizes of 13 x 19 and 17 x 19 mm or larger have safety rope attachment holes.
Diagonal dimensions (mm): 19 x 22
Thickness (mm): 50
Total length (mm): 310


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